Dr. Fujita has provided the following phone numbers for new and existing patients. Please call to book an appointment with her.
When deciding to see Dr. Fujita, you can take into account other patients' experiences. The PX Score™ and other key patient experience ratings measure how other patients felt about the experience they had with Dr. Fujita. Dr. Fujita has a PX Score™ of 4.4 out of 5, which was calculated from 82 reviews compiled from multiple online sources.
Dr. Fujita's PX Score™
Overall Patient Experience Rating
Based on 82 Reviews.
Provider's Attitude
Evaluation of Dr. Fujita's friendly, caring and compassionate attitude.
Provider's Perceived Outcomes
Satisfaction with Dr. Fujita's understanding and interpretation of outcomes.
Amount of Time with Patient
Satisfaction with the amount of time Dr. Fujita spent with them in a way that felt meaningful and impactful.
General Feedback
Satisfaction with the general experience they've had as a patient of Dr. Fujita.
Patient Loyalty to Provider
Patients' perception of their likeliness to go see Dr. Fujita again.
Provider's Follow-Up
Satisfaction with Dr. Fujita's follow-up care.
Ability to Answer Questions
Dr. Fujita's ability to respond to questions in an effective and precise manner.
Clarity of Instructions
Evaluation of how clear Dr. Fujita's instructions were.
Thoroughness of Examination
Satisfaction with the thoroughness of the examination performed by Dr. Fujita.
Affiliated Practices
Many dentists have received payments from medical companies ranging from small amounts in the form of food at conferences to large payments for consulting or royalties. Some have received payments for specific drugs. These payments are not necessarily cause for concern, but we encourage you to speak with Dr. Fujita if they do raise any questions or issues.
- Payments Overview Overview
- Breakdown by Category Categories
- Breakdown by Company Payments Companies
Total Payments Received Between 2014 and 2020
Dr. Fujita received more money than a majority (91%) of dentists nationally. This graph represents payments Dr. Fujita received relative to the median payment received by similar doctors.
For more information about specific types of payments, see the breakdown of payments by category.
Expense Categories
The payments received by dentists can range across a variety of different categories. These can include travel and lodging, food and beverages from conferences, or fees for promotional speaking or consulting engagements. Some have also received payments from royalties or licenses, usually from having helped develop a product or drug.
This chart represents the breakdown of payments Dr. Fujita has received by specific category of payment. See the breakdown of payments by company.
Company Payments
These payments come from specific medical companies, sometimes for specific drugs. If you have any questions or concerns about the specific company or drug payments Dr. Fujita has received, we encourage you to speak with her directly.
This chart represents the breakdown of payments Dr. Fujita has received from specific medical companies, including payments for drugs and medical products.
Dentists are doctors of oral health that treat and prevent diseases and conditions of the teeth and gums. Additionally, they look for abnormalities within the mouth such as lumps, swelling, or discoloration, and perform necessary diagnostic procedures to diagnose and treat these abnormalities. Well-trained dentists can identify warning signs of disease throughout the body by oral symptoms, benefitting full-body health.
How can I make an appointment with Dr. Sachi A. Fujita?
You can make an appointment with Dr. Sachi A. Fujita on CareDash. Please visit their profile to learn more.
Where is Dr. Sachi A. Fujita's office located?
Dr. Sachi A. Fujita's office is located at 3440 Lomita Boulevard, Suite 340, Torrance, CA 90505. View a map and get directions on CareDash.
Is Dr. Sachi A. Fujita accepting new patients?
Dr. Sachi A. Fujita is currently accepting new patients. Visit Dr. Fujita's profile to make an appointment on CareDash.
Does Dr. Sachi A. Fujita accept insurance?
Yes, Dr. Sachi A. Fujita accepts Ameritas, Delta Dental, and GEHA (Government Employees Health Association), as well as other providers. Please check Dr. Fujita's profile to see all the insurance providers she accepts.
What conditions does Dr. Sachi A. Fujita treat?
As a dentist, Dr. Sachi A. Fujita may treat Abscessed Tooth, Bad Breath, and Bleeding Gums, in addition to other conditions. Please check Dr. Fujita's profile to see all the conditions she may treat.
This section displays information about known insurances accepted by Dr. Fujita. Please verify this information by calling Dr. Fujita directly.
CareDash updates insurance information from a variety of sources including:
National resources such as Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Office managers for the provider
Third-party partners that represent the provider to CareDash
More questions? You can always contact us.
This section shows the financial relationships between doctors and pharmaceutical and medical device companies.
The U.S. government collects extensive records about these relationships. Some examples include:
- Consulting fees that companies pay to doctors, to get their input about their products and research
- Companies paying doctors to speak about their products at conferences
- Companies taking doctors out to dinner to tell them about a new drug or medical device
- Companies paying for travel, hotel rooms, and food at medical conferences
The U.S. government collects and publishes these records due to concerns about conflicts of interest. However, CareDash does not believe that these transfers of value necessarily mean a doctor is ethically compromised. Eating sponsored food at conferences and speaking on behalf of pharmaceutical companies are not the same thing. Further, we believe that there are doctors who have success with companies' products, get paid to speak about them, and are still foremost devoted to successful patient outcomes.
Therefore, in addition to showing the payments information, we provide some context, such as the median amount for doctors of that specialty, to help users assess potential conflicts of interest. We encourage users to discuss this information with their doctors.
Data in this section is calculated using Open Payments data, collected by Medicare as part of the Affordable Care Act. This data contains detailed records about payments and other transfers of value from pharmaceutical and medical device companies to doctors.
Although the Open Payments program is administered by Medicare, it covers almost all doctors in the United States, including those who do not accept Medicare insurance.
More questions? You can always contact us.
This section shows the list of practices and hospitals that Dr. Fujita practices in. Note that the list may include past affiliations to help patients find their providers. If you are Dr. Fujita, you may remove your past affiliations by updating your profile.
More questions? You can always contact us.
This section shows patient experience ratings from Fountain Analytics.
Fountain Analytics uses refined natural language processing technology to derive a score for up to 10 key patient experience categories by analyzing and quantifying reviews and comments from hundreds of online sources. Fountain Analytics then combines the scores for each of the 10 categories using a weighted model to calculate the overall PX Score™. To learn more, check out the methodology.
A note to doctors:
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