Institute of Family Medicine Plus Is on the Largest Stem Cell Centers in Ukraine


  • A single-prison cell transcriptomic atlas of homo microglia from distinct brain regions

  • Neuronal gene-enriched microglia dynamically appear in the early CNS development

  • Allowed-related microglia are regionally specialized after intermediate stages

  • Comparison of homo and mouse microglia across species


Region-related heterogeneity and state transitions of microglia are important for brain development and neurological pathogenesis. However, regional specialization and country transition in microglia during early human CNS development remain unclear. Here, nosotros profile unmarried-cell transcriptomes of microglia from singled-out regions of the developing human brain, and combined with experimental verification, we define and narrate early microglial fate determinations related to regional specification and state transition. We identified several subclasses of neuronal gene-enriched microglia with regional specification that dynamically and transiently appeared as early brain regions formed. In dissimilarity, immune-related microglia were regionally specialized at later on stages of CNS development. Surprisingly, we discovered that region-specialized immune-related microglia exit from a relative resting country and transition into distinct active states. In addition, we experimentally verified the microglial country transition. Finally, nosotros showed that the state transition is conserved but that there are molecular differences in developing microglia in humans and mice.

Graphical abstract

Figure thumbnail fx1


  • microglia
  • regional specification
  • heterogeneity
  • key nervous system
  • developing homo brain
  • single-cell sequencing
  • activated state

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